Directing Inclusive and Sustainable Growth: A Mission-Oriented Approach (A Discussion on Opportunities for Ukraine) - MARIANA MAZZUCATO
Despite the ongoing unjust war being waged on Ukraine, the country is in a position to consider the opportunities to rebuild and reconstruct its economy. In this UGF lecture, UCL Professor Mariana Mazzucato argues we need to rethink the capacities and role of government within the economy and society, and above all recover a sense of public purpose. Taking inspiration from President Kennedy’s ‘moonshot’ programmes that successfully co-ordinated public and private sectors to put a man on the moon, she calls for the same level of boldness and experimentation to be applied to the biggest social and political issues of our time. This is an opportunity to leverage the return of industrial strategy to direct investment and innovation to achieve inclusive and sustainable growth.
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Mariana Mazzucato
Professor at University College London (UCL), Founding Director of the UCL Institute for Innovation & Public Purpose (IIPP), PhD. Author of “The Entrepreneurial State”, “The Value of Everything", "Mission Economy” and “The Big Con” books
Delivered on
17 October 2023
17 October 2023