Discovery of New Nanomaterials – Tiny Flakes that Define the Future of Technology - YURY GOGOTSI
Discovery of new materials provides moments of inspiration and enables new technologies. Two-dimensional nanosheets, such as graphene, boron nitride, and dozens more, serve as building blocks for new assembled materials and entire devices. Carbides and nitrides of transition metals known as MXenes were discovered by the presenter and his colleagues more than a decade ago and are the fastest-growing family of nanomaterials. They offer unique properties and can be used in numerous advanced technologies.
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Yury Gogotsi
Charles T. and Ruth M. Bach Distinguished University ProfessorDirector, A.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute, Adjunct Professor at Sumy State University, Ph.D., D.Sc., Dr.h.c.
29 April 2024
7 PM
Kyiv time
Kyiv time