Waking education up to the digital world - ANDREAS SCHLEICHER
Technology can help us not just to conserve educational practice, but to truly transform it. The most visible benefit of technology is greater personalisation and a more active approach to learning. While you study math on a computer, that computer can now study you, and how you learn math, and then make your learning experience so much more granular, much more adaptive and so much more interactive. We are also seeing big leaps in assessment and exams, such as assessments through simulations, hands-on assessment in vocational settings, or machine learning algorithms scoring essays. Perhaps learning analytics holds the greatest promise. It gives teachers get a real sense of how different students learn differently, where students get interested and where they get bored, where they advance and where they get stuck. It can also give teachers a better sense how they can structure learning time and which students need what extra support. The lecture will look at what it takes to leverage technology effectively in education
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Andreas Schleicher
Director for Education and Skills at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),Professor Emeritus at the University of Heidelberg
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